Thursday, May 11, 2006

Sweden!!! Flipping Tokyo?!!!!!

So, I was nosey, errr curious about who was visiting my site. I installed a stat counter last night out of sheer vanity, just to see. Within 30 minutes, my new "friend" counter told me I had 3 visitors. 3 VISITORS, IN 30 MINUTES!!! I was ecstatic, furiously writing acceptance speeches for the various awards I was to receive. I mean, surely, 3 visitors in 30 minutes correlated to at least 144 visitors per day! While I was putting on my crown, my husband looked at my stats. He kindly informed me that while I did in fact have 3 visitors, the real truth was that the 3 visitors were: me, me, and me.

I deleted my acceptance speeches, and closed the cover to my laptop. I went to bed thinking this would be funny to blog about. When I woke up this morning, I checked my blog stats again. I had 3 more visitors last night! Before you ask, none of them were me. One was Blog Explosion, checking out my site to see if it would be accepted (it was), one was from Sweden - landing by way of a google search - and I'm VERY interested to know who that is, so if you are reading this, drop a girl a comment and tell me who you are! I then saw one from Tokyo---it was somehow from/through my new pal crazyladyinvegas. I'm not sure how that happened, being that her name pretty much tells you that she's in Vegas - I'm guessing it's because I posted on her site and they followed that link? She is a visitor though, and dammit, I love her for pumping up my stats!

Let's just say I'm excited about this whole stat counter thing. You never know what kind of visitor you are going to get, or where they're from. Yet another thing to keep you online all night!


Stephanie said...

You can get some wacked out hits from search engines. What counter are you using? Most let you set so it ignores your own hits. Some even ignore search engine hits.

I am uber excited because any day now my counter will hit 1000.

j.sterling said...

LMFAO- this cracked me the fuck up! HAHHAHAHAHA
yeah, wait until you see what kind of searches make people FIND you! HA!

Crazy Lady said...

Japan huh? How cool is that! I don't have a counter. Now I am thinking maybe it would fun. Where did you get yours from?

Sharon T. said...

crazy lady - I tried to email you but it bounced back! I got it at, but I'm being told there's better out there?