Sunday, May 14, 2006

Anyone have a canoe I can borrow?

Even a kayak or a small fishing boat might work for me. It would be super too, if you could include the paddles as I don't have any of those. What would actually really work for me though, is one of those nifty paddle boats so that my whole family can partake in the fun.

See, where I live, some of the roads look like this picture, taken today in NH:

Nice huh? AND, just so you know the reasoning behind my request for an aquatic vessel of any shape or form, I had to leave my car at my friend’s house because her driveway got washed out in all of this rain that New England is currently experiencing. When we tried to leave my friend’s house last night, the end of her driveway was nothing but a 3 foot wide ditch. So, rather than try to jump the ditch Dukes of Hazzard style, we opted to stay put. The town had trucks out working on the roads so we figured that we would be all set to leave in the morning. NOT SO. When we woke up this morning, the ditch was an awesome FIVE feet wide, and three feet deep. We called upon my husband’s father to come and pick us up, which he did, but not before we had to cross the ditch.

Even better than being stranded without the benefit of Survivor-esque vote-off’s, is that while the husband, who is a nice and rugged 6+ feet tall, and the kids, who scale tall buildings in a single bound - can cross the five foot ditch no-problemo, the mom who totes an egregiously large purse (I tell everyone it’s a “day-bag”) laden with so much girly crap that it weighs 50 pounds – cannot. Oh, and did I fail to mention that I was wearing cowboy boots? Ones without any tread on them and made of a nice, soft brown leather that has a tendency to get ruined when wet. Do you think anyone offered to help me out of the ditch while the water ran over my feet? Nope. Happy Mother’s Day to you! Phooey.

Those boots were my favorite. Services will be held tomorrow at the Church of the Holy High Heels. Please wear your rain gear, I don’t think it’s going to stop raining anytime soon. Oh, and don’t forget your paddles – I don’t know when I’ll get my car back!


Stephanie said...

I saw that on GMA this morning. Oh, man I am sorry about all the crappy weather. And the passing of the boots.

j.sterling said...

holy crap!!!!!

Crazy Lady said...

I'll hold a moment of silence for the boots. They were to young to go.