Monday, March 27, 2006

I've been tagged!!!

Thanks to Stephanie for tagging me for the very first time :) I could go off on a song-related tangent here, but I won't. Here goes:

Accent - Does New England have it's own accent??? I'm in NH, so the accents can vary. NO, I do not say things like "cah" for car, or "bah" for bar. I'm actually a big fan of the R. I guess I don't fit in well in NH.
Booze of choice - Beer. I know, I'm more worldly than you thought!
Chore I hate - Cleaning pee (just posted about it)
Dog or Cat - One dog - Hailey. She's a lovey and she REALLY loves my hubby.
Essential electronics - Laptop with internet. Treadmill. - good ones from Stephanie - I'm going to take those and add my iPod and Treo phone...can't live without them!
Favorite perfume(s)/cologne(s) - Modern by Banana Republis
Gold or Silver? - silver, but my wedding rings are gold
Hometown - Born in Columbus, Montana; pretty much raised in NH
Insomnia? - Nope. More prone to cataplexy attacks.
Job Title - SAHM works for now...I'll add more to the title as time goes on :)
Kids? - Pooh and Bean (son and daughter)
Living Arrangement - 3 bdrm. colonial that we can't seem to sell
Most admired trait - I have a knack for saying the wrong EVERYONE.
Number of Sexual Partners - Currently or ever? (heh, I like the mystery this answer implies)
Overnight Hospital Stays - 3 - one for each kid, and an extra one when I thought I was in back labor at 6 months (I wasn't)
Phobia - 1) losing my children 2) being alone
Quote - I'm not famous enough to have one of these
Religion - Christian
Siblings - 1 brother; 2 SIL's that I adore
Time I wake up - when the bus shows up (inevitable)
Unusual talent/skill - I can burn water
Vegetable I refuse to eat - I have yet to meet a veggie I don't like.
Worst habit - smoking. I know, I KNOW!
X-rays - have I had some? Yep.
Yummy foods I make - does boxed mac-n-cheese count?
Zodiac sign - Aries

Remember, if you don't like my answers...just blog your own.
Tagees of choice: I don't really have anyone to tag just yet. C'mon people...just do it yourselves! Oh...and let me know about it!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Lol, burn water? Wow, that is talent.

Don't dis the mac n' cheese. My sister can't make it. Besides, throw in a pound of hamburger with a packet of taco seasoning and you have dinner!

Very funny answers!